A-Level Maths Exam Preparation:
Edexcel Paper 2 Lesson
Monday 10th June
5pm-7.20pm (£25)

Based on what I’ve heard about Paper 1 and my experience with these exams, here are the key topics we are going to focus on this 2 hours lesson as they are very likely to appear in the next paper on Tuesday, the 11th:
- Parametric equations. Probably with differentiation.
- Modelling. There were no modelling questions, so probably some modelling with exponentials and logarithms (maybe quadratics or trigonometric modelling, but less common)
- More complex trigonometric questions, including addition formulae or double angle.
- Vectors!
- More diffentiation and more integration. There were questions, but there will be more. Maybe trapezium rule.
- Graphs and transformations. As far as I know, there were no questions, so it’s very likely you have one.
* Note: If you have AQA, the topics will be quite similar and I will be doing questions of both exam boards. Please join! It will help you regardless.