Boost your A-Level Applied maths in one week without being overwhelmed
Statistics and Mechanics for IAL and UK exams with Edexcel
3rd January to 9th January 2023
Short videos covering the most common exam topics with tips so you can understand quickly how to approach a question.
Google classroom where you can be with other students so you can support each other and I can help you.
Live Q&A at the end of the week for you to ask any last minute questions that you may have.
I will walk you through the most common exam topics for Applied maths with Edexcel, doing some exam questions from the UK papers but also from the IAL (International A-Levels).
Hi, my name is Arancha and I have been teaching maths for over 30 years, both as a tutor and qualified classroom teacher in Spain and the UK. For years I have helped students breaking through their own barriers and blocks to get the best grades that they possibly can in applied maths.
This last minute revision course will give you a distinct edge at a crucial time in your exam preparation that will make the difference sitting in front of that exam paper. It will bring you closer to study the degree that you want in the university that you want.
Take your applied maths to the next level, book now for the free course starting the 3rd of January!
